Reaching out to young people is key to developing relationships between the police and young people
in Cheshire.

Cheshire Constabulary is keen to explore links with charitable and volunteer organisations who work with young people already as they can help the Constabulary to establish valuable relationships and improving communication between the Constabulary and young people who live
in Cheshire.

A new venture brings together the Constabulary and the Brian Kennedy Trust (BKT). Together, the two organisations will be working on ideas and solutions to establish and develop links between young people, the police and their local community.

Cheshire's Chief Constable, David Whatton said:

"Cheshire Constabulary are fully commited to working in partership with BKT to improve the life chances of the young people of Cheshire by giving them the opportunity to have their voices heard and supporting them to take positive action to improve their school and community life."

The new venture will be looking to explore ideas that support young people and help them to positively contribute and make a difference to what goes on within their school or within the community where they live".

Speaking about the venture Brian Kennedy said:

"I am delighted we have been able to forge a partnership with Cheshire Constabulary that will, I am sure, help young people in schools and their communities to communicate and resolve any issues that may be endangering them or their friends."

To cement the relationship Linda Miles from BKT was welcomed to headquarters by Chief Superintendent Ian Wigget. 

Linda Miles and Ian Wigget


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Saint Peter and Paul Catholic College, Widnes, Cheshire
Our Registered Charity Number 1125154