Manchester Camerata’s Stockport Lullabies
Support from the Brian Kennedy Trust enabled Manchester Camerata to create a project working with over 40 Early Years children (0-4) and their parents in Stockport as the local authority had recently been forced to cut free to access provision due to funding constraints. Over the course of 10 weeks at Stockport Art Gallery, parents and small children used music together, to help in strengthening relationships, as well as assisting in developing language, musical skills and physical co-ordination - key aspects of child development.
Traditional song and lullabies were used to encourage parents and children to work together in one artistic activity, and also led to parents continuing using music in the home between sessions and after project, developing their own skills alongside their child’s. Lullabies specifically worked with two Camerata musicians, which encouraged much more proactive interactions between all participants rather than other early years activity which feature recorded music, the use of which can lead to a passive interaction as the work of singing and music is effectively undertaken on the participants’ behalf.
All parents have gained something from the project for themselves, whether it’s ‘ideas for music at home’, new skills, confidence with music and a greater understanding of their children – ‘…to see how interested my daughter is in music’ - or the ability to meet other mums and share experiences. These new skills and confidence have transferred into the home life for many of the participants who have been using the songs in the sessions at home - developing their own versions, demonstrating and involving other members of the family (fathers and siblings) and sharing new skills with other parents and children outside of Lullabies sessions. The most obvious indication of success for Stockport Lullabies is the strong personal bonds that parents and children have developed over the ten weeks.
‘I’ve learnt about how music is a big part of a child’s life and how much Freddie loves music.’
‘The sessions were always really exciting for both myself and my daughter. It was it was lovely to spend quality time with Ruby and watch her face light up each week.’
‘Thank you very much for this opportunity. We really have enjoyed the sessions and we will miss coming next week. There isn’t anything else like this.’